On Saturday, September 11, 2021 Archpriest Andrew Bartek commemorated the solemn 20th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with a public memorial service held at his parish, Holy Assumption Orthodox Church, Marblehead, OH. Present were parishioners & Village residents who participated in the service.
The day started with Divine Liturgy followed by a memorial service in which 200 names of Ohio civilians and military personnel were read, accompanied by the tolling of the church bell for each name. Participants included Tod Kelly, President of the Marblehead Penninsula Lions Club; Debbie Garrard, local President of the VFW Post 7572 Ladies Auxiliary; John Starcher, President of the Village Council and Auxiliary Guard member; and John Engelbeck, Marblehead Penninsula Lions Club member, VFW Post 7572 Auxiliary member and former Marblehead fire fighter. Also present were local community members who had served in the military. At the conclusion of the service, Debbie Garrard played Taps.
Fr. Andrew is a member of the Lions Club, lifetime Auxiliary member and Chaplain for the Lions Club, the VFW Post 7572 and the Marblehead Police Department.
May the memory of all who lost their lives during the 9/11/2001 attacks and those who succumbed to subsequent illnesses be eternal and their souls dwell with the blessed.
Photo Gallery Here.