Holy Assumption Orthodox Church
OCA Diocese of the Midwest
114 E. Main Street, Marblehead, Ohio 43440
Welcome to the Parish!

Holy Assumption Orthodox Church is a parish of the Diocese of Chicago and the Midwest, of the Orthodox Church in America. We are in Communion with the universal Eastern Orthodox Christian Church; which abides by the teachings and traditions handed down from Christ through the Apostles, Holy Fathers, Ecumenical Councils, the Saints and the Hierarchy to this day since 33 AD without change or reform.

"The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is Orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman. It isn't non-denominational; it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago." Steven Robinson


Halupki Festival

2024 Festival!

Once again, an amazing day last Sunday! There was rain all around us but God provide beautiful sunny weather for our 67th annual Halupki Festival! We were blessed with friends and family from near and far who came to help and the community both near and far who came for the food, fun and music! A huge thank you to everyone for a successful day!
Hope to see everyone next year!
Congratulations to our Grand prize Winners!
Ticket #206 Susan $100
Ticket # 340 Gabe $150
Ticket # 701 Sophia $250
Ticket # 678 Jim $500
Ticket # 299 Peter $1000
125th Anniversary
Archbishop Daniel
Archbishop Daniel
Archbishop Daniel
Our parishioners
Our parishioners
Our parishioners

Celebrating 125 years of Orthodox witness on the North Coast

On Saturday September 23, 2023, Holy Assumption Orthodox Church observed 125 years of witnessing to the Apostolic Faith in Marblehead with a magnificent Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Daniel of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest. 

We thank everyone who helped to prepare for and participated in this momentous occasion!

About 90 parishioners, visiting clergy, and friends attended the morning service, followed by a festive banquet attended by approximately 115. 

Vespers were held the evening before, followed by an informal meal.  Matushka Michelle Tomas directed the choir for the services.

Most parishioners and visitors met His Eminence Archbishop Daniel for the first time during his first visit to Holy Assumption.  Many visitors also met for the first time Rev. Fr. Peter Tomas, pastor at Holy Assumption since May 1, 2023.

Visiting priests who celebrated with His Eminence were Very Rev. Fr. John Adamcio, Very Rev. Fr. Emilian Hutnyan, and Rev. Jan Cizmar.  Very Rev. Fr. Basil Stoyka also attended the Liturgy.  Serving during the Liturgy were one visiting deacon and four visiting sub-deacons.

The Honorable Jacqueline Bird, Mayor of Marblehead, presented a proclamation in honor of the Holy Assumption’s 125th anniversary, and Rev. Fr. Joe Repko, priest at Saint Mary Byzantine Catholic Church in Marblehead, presented Father Peter with an icon of the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos.  Parish Council President Ron Royhab served as master of ceremonies. 

Market Days
Thank you to everyone who supported our summer Market Days! They were a huge success!  Our next Market Day will be Saturday September 21. Follow our FaceBook page at Halupki Festival for for more information
Historic Marker Dedication
Archpriest John Adamcio
Archpriest John Adamcio
Archpriest John Adamcio
Council President Ron Royhab
Council President Ron Royhab
Council President Ron Royhab
Parishioners and visitors
Parishioners and visitors
Parishioners and visitors



Mnohaya Lita! Congratulations!

Congratuation to Father Peter and Matushka Michelle on the occasion of your First Anniversary with Holy Assumption!

May God grant you both many blessed, happy and healthy years !

Donate Online

The life of our parish ministry depends on the stewardship of parishioners as well as the generous contributions of those benefactors who support our parish and have been blessed by our ministry.  To make donating easier we have created a safe method of online donation through a secure portal.

Weekly Liturgical & Event Schedule

Sunday, September 1
9:10am Hours  9:30am Divine Liturgy followed by coffee hour/fellowship

Sunday, September 8
9:10am Hours  9:30am Divine Liturgy followed by coffee hour/fellowship

Saturday, September 14
9:30am  Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

Sunday, September 15
9:10am Hours  9:30am Divine Liturgy followed by coffee hour/fellowship

Saturday, September 21
4:00pm  Vespers

Sunday, September 22
9:10am Hours  9:30am Divine Liturgy followed by coffee hour/fellowship




Confession before or after Vespers or can be scheduled on other days by contacting Father Peter

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Live-stream services can be found at any of the below places. Click on the name to be directed to the site.

Ancient Faith Ministries

Archangel Michael, Broadview Heights, Oh

Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Ellwood City, PA

Holy Trinity Church, Overland Park, KS

St. Nicholas Church, Mogadore, OH

Diocesan Resource Page (Prayers, Announcements, Services)

Weekly Bulletin

August 25 Pt1

September 1 Pt1

September 8 See September 1

Monthly Calendar

August Pt1

September Pt1